Digital TARP

Empowering teams to make quicker and better decisions when things don't go to plan

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Digital TARP is a part of the MPA suite of apps. Learn more about MPA.

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Mining, minerals and metallurgical (MMM) processes can be complex. Often there are many interacting variables that need to be monitored and controlled to ensure success. Each variable will have one or more stakeholders that contributes to ensuring the variable is on track. Similarly, each stakeholder will have one or more variables to monitor and control. Sometimes controlling a variable requires multiple stakeholders working together. 

Trigger Action Response Plans (TARPs) are a useful tool common to the MMM sector. A TARP defines the minimum set of actions required by workers in response to a deviation from normal working conditions. However, TARPs are generally manually activated and reside in static electronic document management systems or on paper in binders. As such, that value of TARPs can be limited by several factors. 

Missed Production Deviations

There are many competing priorities at a MMM operation. Detecting that variables are deviating and recognising that as a problem is a manual process and often relies on an operator or a metallurgist being on top of their game. Your production can suffer if your operators or metallurgists are distracted, fatigued or on break and do not detect a deviation. Similarly, it may take some time to recognise that a deviation is a problem and needs to be escalated to the appropriate stakeholder(s) for assistance.

Inexperienced Personnel

The MMM sector is suffering from an experience shortage. So, when production deviations occur, it is common that personnel don’t know how to respond. Often the standard response actions are stored in different systems and can be difficult to find. Some common places include in people’s brains, handover notes, training material, troubleshooting guides or on a shared drive. Furthermore, different people may have different approaches to resolving the same problem. So you don’t know which one is effective and which one is not.

Lack of Visibility

Where robust TARPs do exist, they are often in paper form. So it is not clear to all stakeholders whether a TARP has been activated, the status of the actions, whether the actions have been effective and the time taken to control the deviation. Without easily navigable historical information, there is limited opportunity to prevent the deviation from recurring, improve the response plan and determine the impact on achieving production targets. The problem can be amplified if the TARP is related to a health, safety or environmental situation.

Stay on top of deviations & keep production on track with Digital TARP

The Digital TARP application is designed specifically for the MMM sector. The application provides a centralised location for managing Trigger Action Response Plans (TARPs) allowing teams to collaborate on implementing corrective actions.  

Automated alerts ensure that stakeholders are promptly informed when a deviation from normal conditions occurs, and a comprehensive audit trail provides visibility into all actions taken, allowing teams to understand if critical controls are in place and effective.  

The application’s standardised approach ensures that personnel at all levels know how to respond to deviations, reducing variability by minimising the impact and duration of the event. Furthermore, teams can enhance decision-making by comparing and analysing historical TARP events. 

Mipac’s Digital TARP application platform enables operations to achieve greater efficiency, reliability, and safety, ultimately improving production outcomes. 

Reduce Variability

Streamline corrective actions by having a clear and concise plan for pre-defined events. 


Minimise risk by ensuring corrective action aligns with agreed best approach. 

Increased Production

Enhance decision-making and identify long-term improvement projects by grouping and comparing historical events. 


Use anywhere in the world with an internet connection.


Different stakeholders require different notifications. Control Room Operators may have a live TARP view available allowing them to respond immediately to any deviations. Other stakeholders may choose to be notified via Email, Teams, WhatsApp or SMS. Notifications can be configured based on the requirements for each TARP.

Yes, users can enter comments and recommendations on individual TARP actions and as a summary for the entire TARP event.

Absolutely! It is Mipac’s philosophy to transfer capability to our clients so you can build and customise new TARPs to meet your specific operational requirements. Mipac can provide initial support to get you started and then you can extend Digital TARP to other applications or modify existing TARPs.

The Digital TARP application leverages your existing AVEVA PI AF system to generate and capture event information, allowing you to integrate into existing systems and processes where they exist.

The TARP application will give you access to as many TARPs as required for your asset. These TARPs can be used for production, asset, safety and/or environmental purposes. Each TARP can be tailored to meet your operational requirements.

Our solutions can be implemented in as little as two weeks.

The implementation timeframe of our solutions can vary depending on several factors such as the complexity of TARP event triggers and whether there is existing infrastructure in place. If a like-for-like implementation is required, such as moving from paper to Digital TARP, the implementation can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks once the base system is set up. Our solutions can be implemented within this time frame, but it’s important to note that the exact duration will depend on the specific requirements of each project.

Get started with Digital TARP

Contact Mipac to find out how Digital TARP can be deployed to minimise the risk and impact of variability by providing a structured and collaborative approach to resolving issues when the process deviates from optimal conditions.

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