Our AVEVA PI capabilities

Using your operational data to increase production, improve product quality and meet sustainability goals

The Mipac AVEVA PI team use this digital technology at scale across your entire value chain to increase visibility and provide insights to improve productivity across the plant.  

Using PI and other tools, we can work with you to improve asset performance and reliability, reduce the environmental impact of your operations and meet your ESG goals. 

Harness the power of industrial data with AVEVA PI System

In today’s data-driven industrial landscape, real-time insights are essential for optimising operations and maximising profitability.  

The AVEVA PI System (formerly OSIsoft PI System) is a real-time production information management system designed specifically for the industrial world. It excels at collecting, storing, analysing, and visualising data from sensors, equipment and various industrial processes.  

Unlocking growth and efficiency for miners with AVEVA PI

Mining companies are now turning to AVEVA’s industrial digital solutions, integrating machine learning and AI technologies, to unlock new avenues of growth and efficiency. 

9 of the top 10 mining companies from Fortune’s Global 500 utilise the AVEVA PI System for their intricate data management needs.

With favorable commodity prices in 2021, many mining companies found increased capital at their disposal, leading to significant investment in digital transformation. This shift has resulted in the mining sector achieving digital maturity at an unprecedented pace, thus boosting efficiency and profitability. 

Learm more about AVEVA PI’s applications in the mining, metals and mineral processing industries: 

Did you know Mipac are one of a select few Australian vendors that holds AVEVA PI accreditation in:
Infrastructure | Installation | Development

Mipac AVEVA PI Capability

Mipac is an AVEVA Partner with multiple AVEVAaccredited PI engineers and has significant experience delivering AVEVA PI projects and support to industrial operations (including mining, utilities, oil and gas) which is applied to all our support engagements.

Mipac also has numerous software products that integrate with AVEVA PI. Discover more about MPA’s suite of applications.

  • 24/7 remote and onsite support – including maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Alerts/Notifications 
  • Application development (standard and custom) including notifications 
  • Architecture design 
  • Infrastructure, performance, access and security audits 
  • Installation and configuration 
  • Integrations
  • Maintenance/Troubleshooting 
  • Performance – clean-up of PI analysis, compression and exception, load balancing 
  • Reporting and Dashboarding 
  • Procurement and Licensing 
  • Security and Access – PI security (tag security, user access, permissions etc) 
  • Training (standard and custom) 
  • Upgrades 

"Not a milestone missed"

Mipac has been none other than a trusted partner throughout our Cobre Panama project where they were engaged to provide around-the-clock support for the AVEVA PI System, RtDuet and MPA.  

Not only did Mipac provide an easy-to-use service desk portal where we were able to log issues and simply find solutions to common problems through a library of rich how-to articles, they also offered a direct line in the need for emergency support. 

The Mipac team has continuously demonstrated a high standard of excellence, providing Cobre Panama with the best products, services and support. The attention to detail in designs and implementation is outstanding. 

Mipac’s genuine and dedicated engineers supported our team from the inception of implementation of the PI system and new PI components (including a PI Integrator and Power BI reports), all the way through to concept development of a new architecture that helped boost performance and reliability and increased security to meet the growing demands and requirements for 24×7 support. 

Mipac has worked side-by-side with me and the team on all challenges during and after implementation. 

Not a milestone was missed through the course of the project due to the commitment Mipac demonstrated as a pivotal partner in helping us achieve optimal results. Mipac has understood the requirements and demands of our site and has delivered equally as demanded. 

Transform your operation with AVEVA PI System

  • Unparalleled data acquisition 

    Effortlessly collect real-time data from a vast array of sensors and equipment, providing a holistic view of your industrial processes. This comprehensive data is the foundation for informed decision-making and continuous improvement. 

  • Actionable insights at a glance

    The PI System excels in data visualisation, transforming complex data streams into clear, easy-to-understand dashboards. Gain instant insights into process performance, identify inefficiencies and optimise operations for maximum efficiency. 
    It also delivers automated reporting in both web-based and live environments for downstream or upstream consumption. 

Aveva Pi System
  • Notifications on the go 

    The PI notification service evaluates rules, processes incoming real-time events and sends notification advice via email, SMS or other message delivery apps, ensuring your team always knows when something requires your attention. 

  • Sustainable practices made easy 

    Minimise your environmental impact and adhere to regulations with meticulous environmental monitoring capabilities. Track emissions, water usage and other key factors enabling you to make data-driven decisions for a sustainable future.

Mipac AVEVA PI Capaibilities

Benefits you can expect

Enhanced productivity and efficiency

  • Eliminate bottlenecks, optimise processes and achieve significant cost reductions


Data-driven decision making

  • Gain actionable insights to optimise operations, minimise environmental impact, and achieve your sustainability goals. 


Future-proof your operations

  • Embrace the power of industrial data and unlock the full potential of your digital transformation journey. 
Industrial automation

Use cases

Here’s how the AVEVA PI System empowers complex operations across four key use cases: 


  1. Industrial Process Monitoring and Control:

  • Real-time Visibility: Gain a comprehensive view of your entire operation with real-time data from a multitude of sources. 
  • Actionable Insights: Identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies and areas for improvement through intuitive data visualisation tools. 
  • Optimised Production: Make data-driven decisions to streamline processes, maximise output and minimise waste. 


  1. Asset Health Monitoring and Maintenance:

  • Proactive Maintenance: Shift from reactive repairs to a proactive approach, scheduling maintenance based on actual equipment health. 
  • Improved Asset Management: Optimise maintenance strategies, resource allocation and investment decisions based on real-time data. 


  1. Energy Management and Optimisation:

  • Granular Energy Monitoring: Track energy consumption across your entire operation with detailed data from meters and sensors. 
  • Data-Driven Efficiency: Identify areas of excessive energy use and implement targeted strategies for reduction. 
  • Sustainable Operations: Reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future by optimising energy consumption. 


  1. Environmental Monitoring and Compliance:

  • Meticulous Tracking: Monitor key environmental factors like emissions, water usage and waste generation. 
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure adherence to environmental regulations and avoid potential fines or reputational damage. 
  • Sustainable Practices: Develop a data-driven approach to environmental responsibility, aligning your operations with sustainability goals. 


The AVEVA PI System goes beyond just data collection. It empowers you to transform raw information into actionable insights, optimise processes and achieve significant improvements in efficiency, productivity and sustainability. 

AVEVA PI System: real-world success stories

Explore these real-world profiles that illustrate the transformative power of the AVEVA PI System, a global leader in the historian market.

Learn more about data historians and the crucial role they play.

Diamantina Power Station

AVEVA PI System: Power Station

Mipac recently integrated an AVEVA PI System with a Metso DCS for an Australian Power Station.

Working onsite at the Australian Power Station, NSW — a natural gas-fuelled 162 MW co-generation plant, a Mipac PI System expert was tasked with integrating the Metso data into PI System, generating performance screens, automating plant reports and training staff in the PI System.

AVEVA PI System: Greenfield Mineral Processor

Mipac delivered a +70,000 point PI System to one of the world’s largest copper deposits and integrated it with the Siemens PWCS.

Cobre Panama Control Room
Reichold Operation

AVEVA PI System: Chemicals and Fertilisers

Reichhold is one of the world’s largest suppliers of resins for composite and coating applications with over 25 manufacturing plants across the globe. Five of the Reichhold plants with AVEVA PI System plant historians and OSIsoft AF (Asset Framework) needed upgrading.

AVEVA PI System: Water and Wastewater

SunWater is an Australian water solutions provider and infrastructure company.

Mipac’s application of PI System historian technology assisted SunWater to generate transparent information and gaining insight into its asset performance.

Sunwater pipeline

24/7 support capability

Mipac offers a 24/7 Service Desk to configure, install, operate, maintain, manage and monitor the IT/OT, PI environments. 

The Service Desk provides site personnel with a single point of contact to lodge and track service requests with the aim of restoring services as per the Service Level Agreement. 

 The 24/7 service desk is contactable by an online support portal providing the following services: 

  • Adding new PI tags to the system 
  • Application support (installation, upgrades, fixes and user support, including communications with external software vendors as required) 
  • Classifying, prioritising, escalating and solving incidents 
  • Communicating with site personnel on support or project progress 
  • Documenting the IT/OT and PI environment 
  • Front-line support and discovery of methods for fixing 
  • Interacting with third parties engaged by the client to solve issues 
  • Proactive communication with client personnel regarding planned outages or incidents as per agreed communication protocols 
  • Proactively identifying opportunities for improvement and/or potential vulnerabilities 
  • Providing timely information to our clients in relation to
    cyber-security incidents occurring across Mipac’s client base.
  • Recording incidents and support requests in an auditable and trackable manner 
  • Request fulfilment 
  • Service Desk reporting against agreed metrics and reporting on incident trends, including recommendations on how systems may be improved to deliver better service or lower cost 
  • Software asset management as required 


The Mipac Service Desk becomes the first point of contact for site personnel to raise IT/OT, and PI issues and includes a classification system based on the criticality of issues for business operations. 

Monitoring, maintenance and support capability

Mipac provide support services to comprehensively monitor, maintain and support our client’s IT/OT, PI & MPA environments by providing the following: 

  • Remote support 
  • Planned service visits (if required) 
  • On-site support (if required) 
  • Server and application monitoring and maintenance of: 
    • Event logs 
    • Performance 
    • Drive space 
    • Backup imaging monitoring and maintenance 
    • Firewall 
    • User administration 
    • Updates and patches 
    • Log file maintenance 
    • Disaster recovery testing 
    • Keeping documentation up to date 
  • Network monitoring for issues and/or outage 
  • Power monitoring using IEC61850 
  • Maintaining the IT/OT and PI environment including software patching 
  • Any other services required to support the IT/OT, and PI environment 
  • Proactive communication with client personnel regarding outages or incidents  
  • Performing annual audits of the IT/OT and PI environment 
  • Providing monthly service delivery reports 
  • Remote monthly meeting with key client stakeholders to discuss service delivery 
  • Scheduled data back-up, backup testing and data restoration as required. 

Knowledge Base and Portal

Mipac’s Service Desk includes an online support portal to lodge and track support and user application requests and response rates. The support portal also doubles as a live knowledge repository capturing: 

  • Responses to support requests 
  • Work undertaken 
  • Outcomes obtained 
  • Value created 
  • ‘How-to-articles’ for repetitive processes (e.g. adding new tags) 
  • Service delivery protocols

By capturing this knowledge, our clients can search for previously submitted requests and responses to solve infrequent but previously submitted tickets, without consuming support hours. A monthly report is generated from the online portal detailing support activity: 

  • Number of support requests made and resolution status 
  • Solutions delivered 
  • Immediate recommendations 
  • Total number of engineering support hours used and remaining.

The monthly report is complemented by a monthly meeting between Mipac’s support team and key client stakeholders to discuss service delivery details. 

Mipac are global leaders in operational technology, control systems and engineering services.

With more than 27 years of experience, our team of engineers, project managers and solutions developers have worked on more than 650 projects. We go beyond the expected solutions to deliver:


Contact us today and let’s start the conversation about how the Mipac team can bring your next project closer to achieving operational excellence.


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