Spread the word: Mipac optimises the good oil

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Mipac will soon complete its third project for Goodman Fielder-owned company Integro Food Group, producer of edible oils, margarine spreads and bakery ingredients such as Crisco, Meadowlea and Praise.

A new safety control system based on Rockwell programmable logic control (PLC) is being introduced at the company’s plant at Murrarie in Brisbane. It will include electrical installation, fan sets, electrical power and isolation.

The system – worth AU$100,000 – will control an ammonia ventilation system with safety features including fans and alarms, and will be commissioned by 30 June.

Mipac has also recently installed a new pasteuriser system controlled by a Yokogawa distributed control system (DCS) and which allows for clean-in-place (CIP).

Plus, new products are soon to go to market thanks to Mipac’s work on an oil-blending control system which allows operators to control new blending tanks and prepare recipes.

Mipac has also helped Goodman Fielder relocate three tanks to free-up floor space.

Mipac’s involvement with Goodman Fielder comes on the back of work successfully performed for Warnambool Cheese and Butter.


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